Our house near Amsterdam

For fourteen years, this nomadic lifestyle of ours has lead us on many different paths and roads.

The good thing is that we have learned (the hard way) to always make sure we have a house of our own. Eleven years ago we found another home - a white corner house near a small canal. The house will become available soon again - either for rent or potentially for sale...

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Fixer Upper 'the Magnolia Story' book - GIVE AWAY

When I read in June that Chip and Joanna Gaines where opening pre-orders for their book 'the Magnolia Story', I ordered 2 copies right away. As a big fan of their renovation show Fixer Upper on HGTV, I wanted to read more how they started their Magnolia business and became well known tv hosts, which changed their lives. 

So - since I love to share what I love, I'm giving away one book! 

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Saying Goodbye to Dubai


"Don't cry because it's over - Smile because it happened"

-Dr. Seuss-


For 3 years Dubai was our Home.

It only took us less than a week to feel this way and I can tell you, it's a special feeling.

Feeling at home in a new country is hard work, physically and more so mentally - meeting new people, finding a new school, searching for a new house, where is the best, cheaper, nearest grocery store, new doctors, a whole lot of administrative work, unpacking box after box, finding new appliances, welcoming guest after guest after guest into our home, trying really hard to drive safely on the high way not to be killed (and succeeding), getting lost for the 4ooth time, adjusting to new rules and new cultures, honestly, the list is very long - but we took it all in and fully enjoyed our time here. We even celebrated our wedding here - big time!

But this is not a post to sum up our lives here - it's simply too much to share - but I will say this...

Dubai was great and good for us & we have met many lovely people - tears were shed, I can tell you that...

So yes, with a sad feeling in my heart I've said goodbye, but I know I take the photo's and memories of these 3 hectic yet truly wonderful years with me.

If you ever have the feeling to get on a plane and fly to this great city, don't doubt, just go and experience it for yourself!

For me - I just feel truly grateful that the four of us have experienced this country - so yes, we heart Dubai!

The city between the sea and the desert - you will always be a special place for us.


Maureen x

Moksi scenes in Dubai


Month number 3 has started already, and it's time to set plans into motion. Spring is near, or perhaps winter is coming - depending where you are in the world - but this time of the year always inspires me to take more action.

But first let me share one of my happy moments with you.

One of my goals was finding a great photographer to work with and yesterday I worked with the sweet and talented Rebecca Rees. We literally cruised through Dubai the whole day to photograph seven inspiring Moksi Women who are living and working here.

* You can find them under the category: Living and Working in Dubai.

They graciously gave me their time so I can't wait to share it with you all, next month right here on the blog.

And no, the gorgeous legs in the photo are not mine but a behind the scene detail from yesterdays photo shoot and the man on the bicycle is one of my daily scenes here on the motorway. Two different scenes of living in Dubai. And that's what I love here, the mixture of people and lifestyles. After all, Moksi means 'mix' and I'm happy to have a Moksi way of living!

Enjoy your weekend and see you soon!


Maureen x


{For more daily photo's, join me on Instagram @moksicollective}




This modern bohemian lifestyle of ours has brought us good and exciting things.

We were afraid at times, but we jumped anyway. We are hopping and jumping since 2002 - from Amsterdam, to Houston, to cities in Southern Holland, to Switzerland - to be here in Dubai. A few times we played it safe. But most times we decided ‘let’s do it anyway’ and we took bold risks. Some decisions were even pure insane and some, well, they were worth the hustle & bustle and the feeling of living upside down.

Because you see, when we jump, together, holding our girls close to us, the details of how it all will turn out doesn't really matter. Sure, we plan the bigger issues first but then we still jump, even if it doesn't look too optimistic on paper. We figure the rest out as we go. Trusting our guts and holding on to our love for each other. This year, things will be shaken up again for our family of four and we are, again, on crossroads where to go from here.

Perhaps it’s the wanderlust within us. Perhaps we were gypsies in our former lives, who knows….

What we do know is that this year we will leave Dubai and we are not sure what will come next. It’s the first thing people ask us, ‘where will you go’ and our answers are, 'we don’t know it yet'.And that’s ok with us.

We will jump and hold each other tight, again. Life is full of uncertainties. Nobody really knows what tomorrow will bring, right? So we dream & plan and when the time is right, we will know.

As for The Moksi Homes, I hope you will walk this journey with me. Behind the scenes I am planning changes & collaborations and my head is full with ideas and advice. But for now, for these coming months, I’m going to enjoy Dubai even more. I shall take my trusty Iphone and my Canon more to the streets, so you can enjoy Dubai with me.

My posts will be in between the many visits we have from our back to back guests, who are thinking the same thing as we do, let’s enjoy Dubai while we can!


Maureen x

{for daily Instagram photo's you can find me here, @moksicollective}