
grass greener

They say, comparison is the thief of joy and this made me wonder...

Do you ever look at someone else's work and wonder why they are more successful than you? Do you think: How come she has more followers? Why is her body prettier or thinner than mine? Why is her work featured every time and mine is not? How much money does she make? She's just lucky...

Do you?

If so, I hope you will have a closer look at your own creations, your body or your work. Look at your own piece of grass, so to speak. Do you see your own beauty, your self worth, or the work that you are putting out into the world, in a positive or negative way?

Then honestly ask yourself this:

Do you give your own grass the same amount of attention?
Do you spend as much of your energy and your time caring for yourself? Do you focus on what you love to do?

Do you?

Because there's no need to compare yourself with someone else. The grass is literally not greener over on her side - because we all have our struggles.

Nobody's journey is perfect.

I hope you remember that, when you look at all the perfectly styled and curated squares on social media. Instead, focus on nurturing your own piece of grass. Because when you do, you'll see that all along it is growing in a perfect shade of green.

Pay attention to what really matters.