Starting a new year & some updates

stephanie-harvey photo - 2020 starting new year

“How wonderfully you have grown since January of last year” ~Morgan Harper Nichols

Happy New Year everyone!

A whole new year has started and with that a new decade has begun. Fresh days, weeks and months for all of us to fill in. Hopefully they will be having lots of positive energy and laughter in them, so great new memories for twenty twenty will be made!

I’m not big on new year resolutions, but this time I did choose a word for Moksi Collective 2020 - Onward. I’ve been using it more and more lately and it keeps me motivated and focused to grow MC as a brand.

Yet, for some people the start of a new year can make them feel anxious; making them wonder more than they normally would do.

“Am I on the right path? Is this the job for me? Can I do this? Am I enough? What will this year bring?” type of questions. The pressure of starting over, no more procrastinating or finally having the courage to start that dream - all at the beginning of a new year can be daunting. But do we really need to put more pressure on ourselves, simply because the calendar has turned a page?

I think not.

Because everyday is a new day to start fresh with intention, so if you don’t feel this is the right time for you, don’t create more stress for yourself and don’t look what other people are doing. Instead, look at all the other months on the calendar and breathe. January does not have to be your starting or turning point. Give March a try or June or October - all lovely months waiting to be your special month (I’m smiling while typing this, cause it would be nice if months could raise their hands and say “Hey, over here! I’m the one for you!”.


Behind the scenes I’m working on a new video to finish up for MC, which I’m excited about so when finished you will be the first to know.

Also, for the past two months I’ve been looking around Brighton for a co-working space to work from. After a year of working from home or cafe’s - and after working in Brooklyn from a desk at We Work - I knew it was time again to find a designated space of my own. I almost signed up with one of the co-working places I liked, yet somehow my gut hold me back from signing. I’m glad I listened, because right before Christmas I found what I was really looking for! Now I’m typing this post from my new desk in a shared big studio. I’ll share some photo’s when I’m really settled in and decorated some more, but my smile is Big and the correct hashtag is #grateful.

January can also be a great time to clear things out (clothing, medicine, back of the cupboards stuff, etc) and clean technical things up (computer, phone, admin), so I’m easing into this month doing all of these things, while working on the MC to-do list and two other projects that are tied to MC. Step by step and slowly but surely I can finally see the bigger picture what I really want to achieve as the mission statement for MC.

In the mean time today, I hopped on Instagram Stories and shared the next date for our Meetup in Brighton - February 26th. More about the upcoming Meetups, the Studio and other projects in a separate post. Because it’s time to wrap up and catch my bus home.

Talk soon!

Maureen x

photo: S. Harvey via Unsplash