Grow your creative business with Pinterest + a discount code from Curly Carrot

‘My love for Black’ Pinterest board

‘My love for Black’ Pinterest board

We all love to look at pretty pictures, right? Whether it’s online, on tv, in magazines or in books - our imagination gets triggered and inspiration kicks in when we see visually inspiring photo’s or videos. That’s why so many of us love to be on Instagram. It’s a great way of finding other creatives, to be inspired and to grow your business.

But what most people don't realize, is that Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are social media networks who are always in need of feeding new content. I like to say they are ‘always hungry for more’. More new content, more likes, more payments (because the algorithm prefers paid content over free - no matter how beautiful your not-paid content is.) So for your content to even be seen by your followers, you have to keep feeding them.

Now ask yourself this; is it worth spending so much of your time, effort and energy into these apps?

Personally, I have set a time limit of 1.45 hours a day on my Instagram. Purely to remind myself that, if I’m not being inspired or connecting with others - what am I doing here? Besides scrolling endlessly and wasting time, right? I decided long ago that it’s high time to be more efficient with the time I’m spending online.

Enter Pinterest.

‘My love for Neutral colours’ Pinterest board (great to choose the new Moksi Collective brand colours from).

‘My love for Neutral colours’ Pinterest board (great to choose the new Moksi Collective brand colours from).

I was one of the first users back in the day in 2011, when I asked Ben (the founder of Pinterest) for an invite to use Pinterest and I got it from his colleague. But I’ve always used it for personal inspiration and not really considered to use all these pretty images for my business. Well, all that changed when I became aware that Pinterest is less time sucking and can drive more people to see your content, because on Pinterest your content is evergreen. So, no constant ‘feeding’ needed, no creating new content all the time. And no FOMO, follower counts etc.

Yep, good old Pinterest.

Did you know that Pinterest can drive more people to your website than IG/FB/T combined? It's not only pretty but it is a powerful tool that works for you - who knew? Well, more and more people are understanding this:

Pinterest is a search engine and doesn't need you daily to be engaged with it, if you know how to use it in the right way. You also don’t need a gazillion followers, because it’s not made to be a social network. It’s a great way to search, find and to be found, by so many people. Also, your content will not disappear between millions of other photo’s within minutes (like it does on Instagram) - your content stays evergreen. Meaning, your work can be years old, people will still easily find it by using keywords.

So, if you've ever thought "how do I get more customers to my website - without spending hours online?" meet Pinterest experts Curly Carrot.

When I met Dörte and Georgie from Curly Carrot, I invited them to join us at our September Meetup in Brighton. They shared with us how to grow your creative business with Pinterest. We all learned new tricks and tips and some of you already started cleaning up your Pinterest accounts or created new ones.

That’s why I’m happy to share that everyone who is a Moksi Collective reader, can now learn more about Pinterest by using the Curly Carrot online course. And to start you off right you all get a 15% discount code! I’ve finished their course already and it’s really a game changer - chuck full with easy to follow how to’s, tips and videos.

So, do you really want to use Pinterest as a way to grow your business? Do you want to get more inspiration, but also let other people find your website/shop/blog/instagram etc, while you spend less hours online? I’d say, invest two to three hours of your time to get your Pinterest up and running in the right way with their course and start seeing the results grow for years to come.

Click on the button below to read more about Curly Carrot’s online course and use the code


to get your 15% discount code.

You can also have a look at Curly Carrot’s Pinterest to see how they are using it, or follow Curly Carrot's Instagram for news or updates.

And in the mean time, let me know how you get on and if you also love to use Pinterest as a tool to grow your creative business.

Talk soon!

Maureen x