What's in a name?

Tonight, I couldn’t stop thinking about the meaning of names and titles and the importance we put on ourselves and others.

From the moment we are born, our name is attached to us. Perhaps we’ll change it later in life by marriage or preference - but still, we have that name. It’s not who we are.

And yet, when it comes to our titles at work or as a profession, we somehow tend to put more value on this part of our lives.

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Moksi Collective is Growing - some updates

Moksi Collective is Growing & Changing and my smile is getting bigger with each day!

There is an African saying that perfectly captures a big part of my mission:

"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, Go Together."

And Together is the key word here indeed - Moksi Collective is Growing as a Community & Platform.

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What would you tell your younger self?

If we could go back in time, for only one minute - what would you tell your younger self?

It could be written as a list that would serve you well growing up, even till this day.

A list of things written on a piece of paper for teenage You to read when needed - in times of self doubt, fears or worries. To make sure you stay focused and to keep you walking your own path.

A piece of paper that would bring You back to the future. What would you say?

I’ve made a list of 10 things I would write to my younger self, that would serve me - and I hope you too - even today.

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