For the Love of Books {The girl on the train}

book the girl on the train

In this ongoing series For the Love of Books, I'm sharing different types of books, what I am currently reading or have already read. The previous book I shared here was Chasing Slow.

Reading books is one of my passions and daily habits - I love the magic of written words and diving into another world, simply by turning a page. 

This is not to start a bookclub or to write a whole book review, but it's more for those of you who want to get some inspiration in choosing a book. And if you think you don't have the time to read? Try making a habit shift - consciously turn your computer or phone off for half an hour, or go to bed earlier with your book and start your reading habit from there. 

More importantly is this: please read what it is you like. I know I have different genres I go back to, so those are the books I will share here (and no, I don't read scary bloody thrillers anymore, my poor heart can't take it!).

So read to feed your soul. And if you like what you have read, share it with others! I personally would love to hear your book choices - you can share them with me here on the blog, on social media or simply send me an email. 

Here's to passing on the Love of Books - Happy reading!


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The girl on the train - by Paula Hawkins 

I know I'm late to the party, but I saved reading this book for a short trip abroad and from the moment I started while sitting in the airplane, I couldn't put it down. People are talking about the movie, but I love to read a book first and then see the movie. Mostly because the books are always better and this one is pretty great! The book starts with a murder, so you are diving head first into the storyline. It is written through the eyes of the women in this book, which pulls you in ever further. The main character - Rachel, is written in such a way that I felt pity for her and yet, you can tell that she is stronger than she thinks she is. Her mind plays tricks on her due to the amount of alcohol she consumes, but as a reader you also feel that something isn't quite right... Not to give anything away, but one of the things I loved in this book, is seeing women coming together in times of need. Truly a page turner! 

