Wander 2 Inspire - {a new Instagram Collective}

This little girl caught my eye, bravely walking through the snow with her red little boots... perhaps it was her first time walking in snow...

This little girl caught my eye, bravely walking through the snow with her red little boots... perhaps it was her first time walking in snow...


Sometimes it's better not think too much about the 'why' of things, but rather think of the 'why not' side of it...

That's what happened this week, when I forgot my bag with everything important in it and I had to walk all the way back home. It's a 25 minutes walk, both ways, in the pouring rain to We Work. By the time I was on my way back, I didn't care so much about the rain anymore, but I started to appreciate the fresh cold wind in my face, clearing away the cobwebs and swirling thoughts in my head.

While walking into a different street, I saw some beautiful old buildings, people in colourful coats and dogs wearing bright raincoats.... (this is Brooklyn after all, where even the dogs are stylish hip...). I snapped some Iphone photo's and the more I did this, the more I didn't care about the cold or getting wet.

I wandered and got inspired, simply by seeing new things. 

The city is still so new to me, that these are moments I want to remember and share... And then it hit me - why not make my wandering photo's into a shared collective account? I already have so many photo's of me wandering in the city (#MaureenwandersinNYC)  because wandering is what I already love to do anyway. I knew there are others like me, so I asked around and indeed, more people wanted to connect and share their images with other like minded folks. And yes I know that so many other accounts already are sharing and inspiring on Instagram, but this way we can start small and hopefully inspire each other in photography, in finding new places and connect with some new people as well. Remember, the 'why not' part was on the front of my mind...

So this afternoon Wander 2 Inspire was created on Instagram and I'm glad to see that some of you are already sharing your photo's!


This beautiful block in Brooklyn Heights was the photo and very wet moment, that made me realize that I wanted to create a separate Instagram account. 

This beautiful block in Brooklyn Heights was the photo and very wet moment, that made me realize that I wanted to create a separate Instagram account. 

So, if you want to wander from your seat, start sharing your photo's and be inspired by others. The world is a big beautiful place and together we can show and share what is out there and where you enjoy going to. It can be far away or around the corner. 

Care to join? Visit on Instagram @wander2inspire and if you want to share your photo's, simply use the hashtag #wander2inspire so I can find your photo's. 

Let's Wander, Create, Connect & be Inspired!