A big change


It's been a while since I've blogged, either here or on my first blog, Daydream Living.

Today I've finally made the big change I was thinking about for so long....

After 4 years, I've decided to stop my blog Daydream Living and only continue blogging here on Moksi Collective (used to be The Moksi Homes).

Reasons such as, wanting to spend my time more efficiently on & off line, I find it better to do only that what makes me smile.

I still like to blog, but I have to say that, with the rise of social media choices, it's been harder to divide my time and still enjoy it all.

So, new and exciting times are ahead!

Over at my Instagram account, @moksicollective, you will find updates on a daily basis. Hope to see you there as well!

Enjoy the weekend,

Maureen x