Celebration Give Away-winner


The first Give Away to Celebrate the start of The Moksi Homes was a succes!

This week was a busy one for me so the girls and my husband all helped out in their own ways.

For this, I asked my oldest daughter to make me a drawing and pick a number and she did.

Lucky number 28!

The name on the newsletter list under number 28 is: Melanie.

"Mum, who is Melanie?" she asked. So sweet.

I have no idea who you are Melanie, but Congratulations! Love that you have joined us! I have sent you an email and you can tell Jane what Word or Name you would like her to make you.

Would love to see what the result will be and Thanks to Jane, for making this Give Away possible. For now, enjoy the rest of the weekend!

I will be back here tomorrow to Wrap Up this week!

Maureen x