Sunday Wrap ~ one


Today is Sunday and I had to learn that this means the start of the week. At least here in Dubai.

It's already 17 months ago since we moved from Switzerland to Dubai and I'm used to this fact.

But still, it didn't feel right to end the week on a Saturday evening. So Sunday Wrap it is!

In Sunday Wrap you will find the highlights of the week. 

All numbers are linked to the posts you might have missed or want to read again.

This week:

1 ~ The Start of The Moksi Homes

2 ~ Hello, it's me! Maureen

3 ~ Welcome at Dutch Moksi Woman Heidi's Home

4 ~Meet our regular Guest Blogger from Australia, Melissa

5 ~ Meet the Guest Bloggers

6 ~ Celebrating our new website with a Give Away made by Jane from Planet Joy

7 ~ Winning a hand-bend wire word/name is Lucky nr. 28 on the list

And that's a Wrap!


Maureen x